Sunday, April 7, 2013

Identity Crisis

No. In fact, I did not change my name. I am still Peggy to most of you.

However, since my son believes I am writing the next "50 Shades of Grey", I promised to spare him public humiliation (outside the normal realm of what mothers are allowed!) and chose a pen name. But let's clear up that color thing, first. In fact, anyone who has read anything of mine (a tiny portion of the population, say, maybe seven people...), knows that I just barely qualify for a quarter shade of light ivory! In my writing. Enough said.

Still, I want to simplify my name. This is who I was born. It just never got a chance to stick. My siblings and parents immediately called me Peggy. (A good choice, considering my sisters are all named "Mary something", too!) Add a confirmation name, the nickname to begin with, and a married-hyphenated-name...on any given day, I have no clue who I am? So lets just keep it all a secret by throwing it out into the world.

Second order of business, very much related to my identity crisis, is that I have moved around a bit. You may think from the blog title, that my life is in pieces, as in falling apart! It generally is, but in this case, not so. There are just a lot of pieces, as I am sure the rest of you possess. For me the basic breakdown would have to consider: Childhood life in Philly (right near the State of Pennsylvania), with one two-year stint in Florida and another outside Washington DC. in Northern VA; young adult life in Alaska, including seasonal summers in a lovely fishing village at a salmon cannery, winters on the Bering Sea, earning my BA at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and traveling the Alcan, spending one winter in Santa Barbara, CA, and a Semester at Sea; coming back to the Lower 48 with my MacKenzie Freight Husky (my first love); back and forth for a few years, between the above, until I decided to raise my Son (the love of my life) in Minneapolis; a quick change of plans moving back to suburban Philly for SuperNan's final years; meeting Paul (the man of my dreams); moving to Long Island; Sully's school years; and after child rearing! My open book.

Any idea which of my loves this is?
So, two matters a day is about the breadth of my attention span on this beautiful spring Sunday morning. All is well in the world, and I am writing my way through my identity crisis, with fiction triggered from my real life ('cause really, as my dear friend, George W. Luxemburg always says "...and you can't make that shit up!". So prod me with a question, if you dare, to spare yourself trying to figure out the mess above. God help you if you leave it to me to simply babble! My musings are often littered with typos, bad grammar, and profanities. I will try to keep them all under control...or not. Guess it depends on what you want to know first?


  1. It appears I can post on other's blogs again...if I could just set up my own now! Enough for now. A start is a start.

  2. Peggy, what a lovely and lively bio! Raising my glass to many more of these posts and to your 25 Shades of Light Beige :)

    1. That was definitely not a bio, it was a reader's digest condensed version of where I have hung my hat and heart! Perhaps a bio soon (as soon as I come up with a life suitable for bio'ing!)...Seriously, though, thanks for your support ladies! Now if only Adam Levine would comment! And he really isn't even my type! So silly!

  3. Congratulations! Not just because of two successful posts in one day, but because you've also managed to expose yourself a bit...I feel dirty, but in a good way! If I've managed to turn you a few shades of red with that remark, then CHEERS to me!

    1. a definite cheers to you...i am red! and you are the very best...thanks for the pushes!

  4. Hey Peg. Your traveling life exhausted me. When do we get the ivory colored details? If Adam Levine reads this and he's not your type send him over to me please

    1. Ivory details may be reserved for private readings, and lunches! Will do on the cute boy! Poor guy, it really must gross him out that we drool over him! I would cast him as a romantic hero, but there's not enough make-up on earth to cover those tatoos, and those really long legs, and...damn, there I go again! Travels? I think I may be visiting a friend in Florida soon! Details will follow (as soon as we make them).

  5. Don't all writers suffer an identity crisis? So many voices in our heads that sometimes we just babble and someone has to remind us that that isn't really us...or is it? A great post and I enjoyed visiting. Glad I clicked on your name and found the page! And it's a great time to visit Florida. Beautiful weather before the melting season starts.

    1. Thanks for you kind words. In an effort to lighten my night table, I have been avoiding your page, though I have noticed it for months on friends pages. Today I just gave in...your blog title is absolutely irresistible! Thanks so much for checking my page...more of those silly voices scheduled. And yeah, I never really thought of it from your "crisis" is deep rooted, perhaps it's just an occupational hazard! I lived in Satellite Beach when I was young while my Dad was working on Gemni, Nimbus, Early Apollo's...but I was very young so only remember a few things. Of course the launches! Chris and I constantly threaten to do a road trip. Florida sounds good. I think my days of buzzing cross country and running up the Alcan to Fairbanks or wherever may be done. Don't sit for long periods any more...except at this keyboard! Happy Spring!

  6. I am very much looking forward to more posts. This is great! Sparing your son future humiliation? Is that really a worthwhile goal? Humiliation builds character... :)

    1. "Humiliation builds character... :)", good point! I haven't really gone to great pains to spare him most. He has been seen in public with me (which is all one kid should have to handle), and I find so many other ways...But putting it in print, seemed like a valiant defense... Thank you for the altars and statues, my lonely follower!

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